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  • Writer's pictureWilhelm

And so it begins.

If your reading this, then perhaps you have an interest in art? I would hope so as that is the main subject of this website and blog.

In fact this entire blog will be about the adventure that is my attempt to break into the art industry.

I suppose a little context and background might be due. My name is Wilhelm Potgieter, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Coming out of high school I had taken a PSEO course at the College of Visual Arts(CVA) in St. Paul, Minnesota. Because I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career I was very lackadaisical about applying for college. At the end of the day I decided to apply to CVA do appease my parents, who had been pushing me to decide what I wanted to do and to apply for colleges.

I feel I got in without much difficulty. Not by merit of my existing portfolio mind you, but perhaps because I had taken my PSEO classes there? Or perhaps because its a business, and I had interest and a new student is more money for the school.

What ever the reason, It was while in college, towards the end of my freshmen year, that I discovered that it was in fact what I wanted to do. I had been watching the extras from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and fell in love with WETA workshop, and the art they produced. From the costumes, to the drawings by John Howe and Alan Lee. I new that is what I wanted to do.

So I applied myself, through college, despite the crippling mountain of debt I was accumulating.

I learned about the industry and painting, about anatomy and color theory and all the rest.

However, it wasn't until after graduation, that I learned some disheartening truths. When presenting my portfolio to multiple art directors. I was told I was a long way from hireable.

That I needed a lot of work, and that I wasn't alone. I learned that there were many in my same position, churned out by art schools and colleges around the country, taught from outdated curriculum or just plain not the correct ones. So we graduated with expensive degrees that didn't mean anything in the job market.

This was 2013. Since then many academies and small schools or programs have cropped up that could teach you what you need to know, give you a proper foundation and put you on the right path to entering the industry. You might not have a degree, but you could get a job. In the end, that matters more.

Unfortunately for me, My pile of college debt stops me from affording these programs. So, much of what I have learned after college has been self taught. I still have along way to go.

I've been distracted along the way. But now I have brought my focus to bear. I do not know if anyone will read this, but if you are, if you have any interest in joining the commercial art profession. I hope that some of my experiences, revelations and decisions, provide you with the help or knowledge you need to be successful.


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