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  • Writer's pictureWilhelm

My biggest challenge.

One of my biggest challenges is i find it difficult to post online regularly. I suppose It makes me a bad millennial. Not that I dread posting or don't want to. I just completely forget. Sort of an out of sight out of mind sort of thing.

Thus its been 6 Months since my last blog entry. Again, I am terrible at social media. Its something I sorely need to work on.

I began a new job in February, working as a closet install technician. Its a good company so far. Hopefully one of my last steppingstones towards my goal.

I have been getting back into sketching and painting lately. I still don't do it as much as I should. I need to re brush up on my anatomy, and draw from life more. I notice that the anatomy in my sketches might be correct. But for some reason the characters in them lack life. Its as if they are hollow shells. This doesn't seem to happen when I draw from life however.

I've taken more of an interest in faces and hands. I think getting these right is the key to giving life to these sketches.

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