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  • Writer's pictureWilhelm

Time Flies.

Its been a busy and stressful year for everyone with the pandemic plaguing our world. I wish I had utilized it better to further my Artistic goals, but I do not regret the projects and other things I did accomplish and use my time on. They are just as important and will hopefully pay off in the long run. In the next day or so Ill be uploading a few more pieces I did over the last year, some drawing, some painting, and they were fun. I actually got my first two painting commissions! I was quite chuffed.

Another thing I did last year was start an MN Illustrators page, Its small but has some amazing people in it already. If you are an Illustrator or concept artist in MN then by all means look us up and join us!

Until next time, I hope you have a fabulous day.

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