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  • Writer's pictureWilhelm

Two new pieces

Don't you hate it when you just start a blog and then don't post anything again for almost a month?....Yea....Me too. So the last month has been rather crazy, I have not been nearly as creative as I would like. I have not however, been idle.

I started making myself a new pair of shoe as my old ones are well over a year old and definitely require a new sole. The concrete and blacktop are not friendly to handmade shoes. A lesson I am quickly learning.

I have finished two new paintings. One is a Bob Ross style landscape, The other is Dragon...because why not. Dragons are awesome.

One of the things I'm working on is trying to meld the two painting styles. The method Bob Ross used to paint landscapes is fantastic and brilliant. It does however, create a different visual texture than if I'm painting say, a Dragon.

If I can find the happy medium between the two textures I think I'll be happier using both in one painting. Variation in texture is not a bad thing. It can in fact be an important visual tool. I just find it too different right now to be happy with it. I hope to post them officially on the website soon, but I will give you the teaser on here.

I love doing the landscapes, But I definitely need more practice.

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